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) Drink water after each meal (but not while eating)

Drinking water with a meal can cause hydrochloric acid to stick in your stomach and dilute it, which can lead to indigestion (or indigestion).

In order for your body to get the vitamins and nutrients from the food you eat, it is essential that it is easily digestible.

If you can't digest them, you can't use them. So where does this leave us?

If you're used to slurping water with your meals and find it incredibly difficult to skip water, as you can see, it's anything but.

I've thought about it too, and it's actually pretty easy to do. All you have to do is decide not to drink water with your meals. Many foods that are high in fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates contain a lot of water, making it easier for your body to absorb the water from food.

When you eat, don't put water near your food. Instead, keep it in the refrigerator.

A big bonus is that a glass of ice water will taste better after a meal.

You want to give it time to digest, so try to wait at least 30 to 45 minutes before eating or drinking your water raft. Drinking water immediately after eating will dilute the hydrochloric acid and interfere with proper nutrient digestion.

2) Exercise before eating a cheating meal.

The time of day when you can get away with your worst meal of the day is after training.

A meal high in sugar and carbs will make you more likely to gain weight at other times of the day, but the peak insulin after a workout will help speed up muscle recovery and won't negatively affect your waist (belly fat accumulation).

It's best to get a full workout in the gym and then go home and eat a con-artificial meal an hour later.

If you don't feel like going to the gym, stop by and do 50 push-ups, 40 leg bends, pull-ups, head straights, and tricep extensions. At the end of your workout, jog outdoors for at least 30 minutes or do 15-20 short sprints on a hill.

3) Read food labels.

Avoid foods labeled with soy, hydrogenated vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup, extracts, gluten, preservatives, aspartame, and monosodium glutamate (which is probably hidden under "natural flavors" or hydrolyzed vegetable protein).

In fact, anything with more than four or five ingredients should be avoided. Avoid ready-made meals with an ingredient list, like a book.

You may be tempted to eat salsa or soup, but you should avoid processed foods. Check the labels and make the best choices. Next time you go to the grocery store, look for four things that don't have these bad ingredients in them.

You might be surprised at what you've been eating.

4) Eat lots of carbs/low fat or fat/low carbs.

In order to limit the accumulation of abdominal fat, you need to limit your intake of fat and carbohydrates. In other words, if there are days when you want to consume more carbohydrates, you can simply reduce your fat intake.

