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 There are four main types of narcissism. Researchers have explored the core of narcissism, which is common to all narcissists, despite the different symptoms and severity of the condition. Narcissists use a variety of tactics and defense mechanisms to make you feel insecure and ensure that your status and needs are met. It's easy to get confused, but it's important to understand and recognize what kind of narcissist you are. Recently, two research teams

Common traits identified.

Stunning narcissists.

There are varying degrees and types of narcissism, but over the years research has focused on famous exhibitionist narcissists who are trying to get attention. These are public figures, grandiose narcissists whose bravery is recognized in movie theaters. They are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

We can all find the vanity and audacity of these charming and attentive strangers to be obnoxious and irreverent at times. They are self-centered, entitled, unfeeling, dominating, authoritarian and aggressive. Some people are physically abusive. These apathetic, arrogant narcissists think highly of themselves, but do not take away their contempt for others. Supported by extroversion, they report high self-esteem and satisfaction with their lives despite the pain they inflict on others. Great self-love is evident when they seek outward admiration, attention, and control. Even in love, they seek power by playing games. Many people are frustrated with their partner's lack of intimacy but do not stay in the relationship and are easily seduced by their charisma and boldness.

Vulnerable Narcissists.

A lesser-known form of narcissism is vulnerable narcissism (also known as covert narcissism, introverted narcissism or secret narcissism). Like their grandparents, vulnerable narcissists are self-centered, manipulative, exploitative, apathetic, manipulative, and aggressive, but they are afraid of criticism because they avoid being noticed. People with both types of narcissism often lack autonomy, suffer from cheating syndrome, have low self-esteem, are complacent, and are unable to control their environment. Vulnerable narcissists, however, experience these to a much greater extent.

Unlike the grandiose narcissist, the vulnerable narcissist leads an unstable and unhappy life instead of feeling confident and content with themselves. They feel more sadness, fear, guilt, depression, frustration, and shame. They have an irrational, exaggerated and negative view of themselves and project it onto others, their lives and their futures, the latter of which are contradictory. Their negative emotions show the opposite of the neuroses that make personal growth painful. They need to reinforce the grandiose image they have of themselves and are very defensive when perceived criticism triggers their negative self-perception.

Unlike extroverted narcissists, they lack positive relationships. Instead of being brave and controlling people, they are threat-oriented and distrustful. Their attachment style is rather evasive and insecure. They internalize narcissism and withdraw from others with hostile accusations and resentment. The compassionate addict feels compassionate and tries to put them out of their misery, but in the end, they sacrifice themselves and feel responsible for them.

Joint Narcissist.

The third type of narcissism is even more difficult to identify. These days, it's called communal narcissism. Communal narcissists value warmth, kindness, and relationships. They see themselves and others as the most trustworthy and supportive, and they try to achieve this through kindness and charm.

They mediate like a grandiose narcissist. But while the grandiose narcissist wants to be seen as the most intelligent and powerful, the communal narcissist wants to be seen as the most generous and helpful. The vanity of communal narcissism is no less than the vanity of grandiose narcissism. Although their motives for greatness, self-esteem, justice, and power are common, each adopts different behaviors to achieve them. When their hypocrisy is discovered, it is a great downfall.

